HoverRace  2.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
3 // Used by Game2.rc
4 //
5 #define IDC_ADD 3
6 #define IDC_DEFAULT 3
7 #define IDC_JOIN 4
8 #define IDI_HOVER_ICON 101
9 #define IDD_TCP_SERVER 101
10 #define IDD_SERVER_PORT 102
11 #define IDR_ACCELERATOR 103
12 #define IDD_SERVER_ADDR 103
13 #define IDD_TCP_CLIENT 104
14 #define IDD_NET_PROGRESS 105
16 #define IDD_TRACK_SELECT 108
17 #define IDD_CONTROL 110
18 #define IDD_BAD_MODE3 111
19 #define IDD_ABOUT 114
20 #define IDD_INTERNET_PARAMS 125
21 #define IDD_SET_MESSAGE 129
22 #define IDD_BAD_MODE1 130
23 #define IDD_BAD_MODE4 132
24 #define IDD_WAIT_ALL 142
25 #define IDD_CHAT_MESSAGES 143
27 #define IDD_LADDER_SUBMIT 152
28 #define IDD_LADDER_RES_3 153
30 #define IDD_LADDER_RETRY 157
31 #define IDD_LADDER_RES_2 158
32 #define IDD_LADDER_RES_1 159
34 #define IDD_MISC 161
36 #define IDD_WARN_ALONE 166
37 #define IDD_PRESS_ANY_KEY 167
38 #define IDD_NETWORK 168
39 #define IDD_PERFORMING_TASK 170
40 #define IDB_ABOUT 172
42 #define IDC_GAMMA_SLIDER 1001
43 #define IDC_CONTRAST_SLIDER 1002
44 #define IDC_SERVER_PORT 1002
46 #define IDC_SERVER_ADDR 1003
47 #define IDC_PLAYER_NAME 1004
48 #define IDC_SFX_VOLUME_SLIDER 1004
49 #define IDC_GAME_NAME 1005
50 #define IDC_UPDATE_SERVER_ADDR 1005
51 #define IDC_LIST 1007
52 #define IDC_DESCRIPTION 1008
53 #define IDC_MOTOR_ON1 1011
54 #define IDC_TEXT 1011
55 #define IDC_RIGHT1 1012
56 #define IDC_FULL_MENU_MODE 1012
57 #define IDC_LEFT1 1014
58 #define IDC_FIRE1 1015
59 #define IDC_SELWEAPON1 1016
60 #define IDC_MOTOR_ON2 1018
61 #define IDC_RIGHT2 1019
62 #define IDC_LEFT2 1020
63 #define IDC_CHAT_OUT 1020
64 #define IDC_FIRE2 1021
65 #define IDC_CHAT_IN 1022
66 #define IDC_SELWEAPON2 1022
67 #define IDC_JUMP1 1024
68 #define IDC_JUMP2 1025
69 #define IDC_GAME_LIST 1026
70 #define IDC_RIGHT3 1026
71 #define IDC_USER_LIST 1027
72 #define IDC_LEFT3 1027
73 #define IDC_PLAYER_LIST 1029
74 #define IDC_JUMP3 1029
75 #define IDC_AVAIL_MESSAGE 1030
76 #define IDC_FIRE3 1030
77 #define IDC_NB_LAP_SPIN 1031
78 #define IDC_TRACK_NAME 1031
79 #define IDC_SELWEAPON3 1031
80 #define IDC_NB_LAP 1032
81 #define IDC_MOTOR_ON3 1032
82 #define IDC_ALIAS 1033
83 #define IDC_RIGHT4 1033
84 #define IDC_MESSAGE 1034
85 #define IDC_LEFT4 1034
86 #define IDC_TIMER_CHECK 1035
87 #define IDC_HOUR 1036
88 #define IDC_JUMP4 1036
89 #define IDC_HOUR_SPIN 1037
90 #define IDC_FIRE4 1037
91 #define IDC_MINUTE 1038
92 #define IDC_SELWEAPON4 1038
93 #define IDC_MINUTE_SPIN 1039
94 #define IDC_CHAT1 1039
95 #define IDC_MOTOR_ON4 1039
96 #define IDC_CHAT2 1040
97 #define IDC_CHAT3 1041
98 #define IDC_CHAT4 1042
99 #define IDC_CHAT5 1043
100 #define IDC_CHAT6 1044
101 #define IDC_CHAT7 1045
102 #define IDC_WEAPONS 1057
103 #define IDC_ROOMLIST 1059
104 #define IDC_PUB 1062
105 #define IDC_PASSWORD 1065
106 #define ID_BTN1 1068
107 #define ID_BTN2 1069
108 #define IDC_COMMENT 1070
109 #define ID_BTN3 1070
110 #define IDC_LOOKBACK1 1076
111 #define IDC_INTRO_MOVIE 1076
112 #define IDC_LOOKBACK2 1077
113 #define IDC_SHOW_INTERNET 1077
114 #define IDC_LOOKBACK3 1078
115 #define IDC_LOOKBACK4 1079
117 #define IDC_MAINSERVER 1081
118 #define IDC_BRIGHTNESS_TXT 1081
119 #define IDC_ABOUT_TXT 1081
120 #define IDC_CONTRAST_TXT 1082
121 #define IDC_UPDATESERVER 1082
122 #define IDC_SFX_VOLUME_TXT 1083
123 #define IDC_STATE 1083
124 #define IDC_GAMMA_TXT 1084
125 #define IDC_DLPROGRESS 1085
126 #define IDC_UDP_RECV_PORT 1087
127 #define IDC_TCP_RECV_PORT 1088
128 #define IDC_TCP_SERV_PORT 1089
129 #define IDC_VER_TXT 1090
130 #define IDC_TRACKS_LBL 1095
131 #define IDC_DESC_LBL 1096
132 #define IDC_LAPS_LBL 1097
133 #define IDC_WEAPONS_CHK 1099
134 #define IDC_GAMMA 1100
135 #define IDC_MINES_CHK 1100
136 #define IDC_CONTRAST 1101
137 #define IDC_CANS_CHK 1101
138 #define IDC_BRIGHTNESS 1102
139 #define IDC_BASIC_CHK 1102
140 #define IDC_VOLUME 1103
141 #define IDC_FS_RES 1104
142 #define IDC_BI_CHK 1104
143 #define IDC_PLAYER1 1105
144 #define IDC_CX_CHK 1105
145 #define IDC_PLAYER2 1106
146 #define IDC_EON_CHK 1106
147 #define IDC_PLAYER3 1107
148 #define IDC_PLAYER4 1108
149 #define IDC_MOTOR_ON 1109
150 #define IDC_TURN_RIGHT 1110
151 #define IDC_TURN_LEFT 1111
152 #define IDC_BRAKE 1112
153 #define IDC_JUMP 1113
154 #define IDC_FIRE_WEAPON 1114
155 #define IDC_SELECT_WEAPON 1115
156 #define IDC_LOOK_BACK 1116
157 #define IDC_TCP_SERV_PORT_C 1117
158 #define IDC_TCP_RECV_PORT_C 1118
159 #define IDC_UDP_RECV_PORT_C 1119
160 #define IDC_YOUR_ALIAS 1122
161 #define IDC_ROOM_C 1123
162 #define IDC_GAME_LIST_C 1124
163 #define IDC_GAME_DETAILS_C 1125
164 #define IDC_TRACK_NAME_C 1126
165 #define IDC_LAPS_C 1127
166 #define IDC_AVAILABILITY_C 1128
167 #define IDC_PLAYERS_LIST_C 1129
168 #define IDC_USERS_LIST_C 1130
169 #define IDC_CHAT_SECTION_C 1131
170 #define IDC_WEAPONS_C 1132
171 #define IDC_AUDIO_GROUP 1233
172 #define IDC_VIDEO_GROUP 1234
173 #define IDC_FULLSCREEN_GROUP 1235
174 #define IDC_MONITOR 1236
175 #define IDC_RES 1238
176 #define IDC_MONITOR_LBL 1239
177 #define IDC_DLITEM 1333
178 #define IDC_CRAFTS_BOX 1336
179 #define IDC_OPTIONS_BOX 1337
180 #define IDC_ASK_AGAIN 1338
181 #define IDC_TEXT_WARNING 1339
182 #define IDC_WARN_TEXT 1340
183 #define IDC_DISABLE 1344
184 #define IDC_PRESS_ANY_KEY 1345
185 #define IDC_BRAKE1 1346
186 #define IDC_IMR_GROUP 1346
187 #define IDC_BRAKE2 1347
188 #define IDC_CONNECTION_GROUP 1347
189 #define IDC_BRAKE3 1348
190 #define IDC_BRAKE4 1349
191 #define IDC_LOG_CHATS_TXT 1349
192 #define IDC_LOG_CHATS_BROWSE 1350
193 #define IDC_LOG_CHATS 1351
194 #define IDC_AUTO_CHECK 1352
197 #define IDC_OPEN_FOLDER 1355
198 #define IDC_AUDIO_STATUS 1356
200 #define IDC_MSG_LBL 1359
201 #define IDC_CHECK_URL 1360
202 #define IDC_ITEM_NAME 1361
203 #define IDC_CHECK_UPDATES 1361
205 #define IDC_MAP_SELECT 1364
206 #define IDC_CHANGE_BINDING 1367
207 #define IDC_CONTROL_BINDING 1369
208 #define IDC_IMR_CLIENT_GROUP 1371
211 #define ID_VIEW_3DACTION 32775
212 #define ID_SETTING_WINDOW 32784
213 #define ID_GAME_PAUSE 32788
214 #define ID_VIEW_DEBUG 40001
215 #define ID_VIEW_COCKPIT 40002
216 #define ID_GAME_NETWORK_INTERNET 40008
217 #define ID_VIEW_PLAYERSLIST 40009
218 #define ID_VIEW_MOREMESSAGES 40010
220 #define ID_SETTING_FULLSCREEN 40046
221 #define ID_GAME_EXIT 40049
222 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT 40050
223 #define IDS_MODE_SWITCH_TRY 40080
224 #define IDS_CANT_SWITCH_MODE 40081
225 #define IDS_BAD_MODE 40082
226 #define IDS_COMM_ERROR 40113
227 #define IDS_CANT_ADDUSER 40114
228 #define IDS_NOMORE_USER 40116
229 #define IDS_CANT_REFRESH 40120
230 #define IDS_NOL 40121
231 #define IDS_CANT_ADD_CHAT 40122
232 #define IDS_CANT_ADD_GAME 40123
233 #define IDS_NOMORE_ENTRY 40124
234 #define IDS_CANT_JOIN 40125
235 #define IDS_GAME_NA 40126
236 #define IDS_GAME_FULL 40127
237 #define IDS_CANT_DEL_GAME 40128
238 #define IDS_NOT_OWNER 40129
239 #define IDS_CANT_LEAVE_GAME 40130
240 #define IDS_MUST_JOIN 40131
241 #define IDS_CANT_DEL_USER 40132
242 #define IDS_CANT_START_GAME 40133
243 #define IDS_CANT_ADD_MESSAGE 40134
244 #define IDS_NOT_AUTH 40135
245 #define IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR 40136
246 #define IDS_ENTER_ALIAS 40139
247 #define IDS_SELECT_ROOM 40140
248 #define IDS_WARN_TO 40141
249 #define IDS_LOC_MSERVER 40142
250 #define IDS_CANT_FIND_SERVER 40143
251 #define IDS_TO 40144
252 #define IDS_SERVER_ERROR 40145
253 #define IDS_CANT_CREATE_SOCK 40147
254 #define IDS_TCP_SERVER 40148
255 #define IDS_CANT_USE_PORT 40149
256 #define IDS_PORT_RANGE 40150
257 #define IDS_CONNECTING_SERV 40151
258 #define IDS_GET_GAMEINFO 40152
259 #define IDS_TCP_CLIENT 40153
260 #define IDS_CANT_CONNECT 40154
261 #define IDS_PLAYER 40155
262 #define IDS_LAG 40156
263 #define IDS_STATUS 40157
264 #define IDS_LOCAL 40158
265 #define IDS_CONNECTED 40159
266 #define IDS_REG_BEST_LAP 40160
267 #define IDS_DISCONNECTED 40161
268 #define IDS_COMPUTING 40162
269 #define IDS_CONNECTING 40163
270 #define IDS_WAITING_ACK 40164
271 #define IDS_NO_NET_CONNECT 40165
272 #define IDS_DUAL_REG_KEY 40166
273 #define IDS_F2_TORETURN 40167
274 #define IDS_HAS_LEFT 40168
275 #define IDS_ALONE_F2 40169
276 #define IDS_ALONE 40170
277 #define IDS_RANK_TITLE 40176
278 #define IDS_FLAP_STR 40177
279 #define IDS_CHART_FINISH 40178
280 #define IDS_CHART 40179
281 #define IDS_COUNTDOWN 40180
282 #define IDS_FINISH 40181
283 #define IDS_FINISH_SINGLE 40182
284 #define IDS_BEST_LAP 40183
285 #define IDS_HEADER 40184
286 #define IDS_LAST_LAP 40185
287 #define IDS_CUR_LAP 40186
288 #define IDS_HIT_TITLE 40187
289 #define IDS_HIT_CHART 40188
290 #define IDS_JOY1BTN5 40192
291 #define IDS_JOY1BTN6 40193
292 #define IDS_JOY1BTN7 40194
293 #define IDS_JOY1BTN8 40195
294 #define IDS_JOY2BTN5 40196
295 #define IDS_JOY2BTN6 40197
296 #define IDS_JOY2BTN7 40198
297 #define IDS_JOY2BTN8 40199
298 #define IDS_JOY3BTN1 40200
299 #define IDS_JOY3BTN2 40201
300 #define IDS_JOY3BTN3 40202
301 #define IDS_JOY3BTN4 40203
302 #define IDS_JOY3BTN5 40204
303 #define IDS_JOY3BTN6 40205
304 #define IDS_JOY3BTN7 40206
305 #define IDS_JOY3BTN8 40207
306 #define IDS_JOY3TOP 40208
307 #define IDS_JOY3DOWN 40209
308 #define IDS_JOY3RIGHT 40210
309 #define IDS_JOY3LEFT 40211
310 #define IDS_JOY4BTN1 40212
311 #define IDS_JOY4BTN2 40213
312 #define IDS_JOY4BTN3 40214
313 #define IDS_JOY4BTN4 40215
314 #define IDS_JOY4BTN5 40216
315 #define IDS_JOY4BTN6 40217
316 #define IDS_JOY4BTN7 40218
317 #define IDS_JOY4BTN8 40219
318 #define IDS_JOY4TOP 40220
319 #define IDS_JOY4DOWN 40221
320 #define IDS_JOY4LEFT 40222
321 #define IDS_JOY4RIGHT 40223
322 #define IDS_CANT_USE_UDP_PORT 40225
323 #define IDS_GAME_CANCELLED 40226
324 #define IDS_CONN_REFUSED1 40228
325 #define IDS_CONN_REFUSED2 40229
326 #define IDS_CONN_TIMEOUT1 40230
327 #define IDS_CONN_TIMEOUT2 40231
328 #define IDS_SAMEADDRPORT1 40232
329 #define IDS_SAMEADDRPORT2 40233
330 #define IDS_CONN_ERROR 40234
331 #define IDS_INVALID_RESOLUTION 40240
332 #define IDS_TEST_RESOLUTION 40241
333 #define IDS_SET_RESOLUTION 40242
334 #define IDS_INVALID_RESOLUTION2 40243
335 #define ID_GAME_NEW 0xE100
337 // Next default values for new objects
338 //
341 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1
342 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 174
343 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40052
344 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1374
345 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
346 #endif
347 #endif